[澳洲話] 50個未聽過的Aussie slang


外國電影《Suicide Squad》(中譯 “犯罪敢死隊”)中飾演角色 Harley Quinn 人氣女星 Margot Robbie 就錄製了一段 “50個Aussie slang” youtube教學片,小編聽完都唔係完全明阿…!


SJ 整理出提及的澳洲話,大家有興趣就學習下啦!



  1. Bludger : someone who is lazy (懶惰的人)
  2. Fair Dinkum : true , genuine ( 不折不扣)
  3. Good on ya : good on you (好嘢喎)
  4. Ripper : someone or something really good (好正的人或東西)
  5. Hard Yakka : hard work (勤力)
  6. Doovalacky : Used whenever you can’t remember what something is called (唔記得點叫一樣嘢)
  7. Crack onto somebody : hitting on them
  8. Pash : tongue kiss (打車輪)
  9. Thong :  underwear (女底褲的一種 T-back)
  10. Crook : criminal or feeling sick / no good or angry (唔係太好既嘢)
  11. Chuck a sickie : calling in sick
  12. bottle – o : liquor store (賣酒的店)
  13. Tinny : can (罐)
  14. Stubby : a bottle of beer
  15. Frothies : really like those
  16. Chunder : vomit (嘔吐)
  17. Barbie : barbecue (燒烤)
  18.  Arvo : Avocado (牛油果)/ afternoon (下午)
  19. Daks : pair of trousers / if you dak someone is when you pull their pant down
  20. Whinge : complaint (抱怨)
  21. Dag : a nerd (毒L)
  22. Bog : shit (屎)
  23. Ute : a pick up truck (農夫車)
  24. Togs : bathing costume (泳衣)
  25. Ratbag : someone who is misbehaving (頑皮)
  26. Fanny : front bum / pussy (陰部)
  27. Esky : a cooler (手提冷藏櫃,一般用來冰啤酒)
  28. Cuppa : a cup of tea
  29. Dunny : toilet (廁所)
  30. Durry : cigarette (煙)
  31. Sheila : woman / female (女性)
  32. Snag : sausage (香腸)
  33. Sook : cry (哭)
  34. Slab : 一箱(24支)啤酒
  35. Chockers : crowded, full of people (好多人)
  36. 粗口
  37. Doodle :  call a penis when you are young(細路仔時何b仔的叫法)
  38. Bogan :  低下階層、指無文化的人
  39. Mozzie : Mosquito (蚊子)
  40. Dogs eye : n/a
  41. Tosser : dickhead / jerk (屎忽鬼)
  42. Hooroo : Hello / Good bye (usually said by the oldies)( 上年紀的人的開場白)
  43. Rackoff : piss off (死開)
  44. Grommet : a young surfer (後生玩衝浪的人)
  45.  Shithouse : toilet (廁所)
  46. Old fella : old men
  47. Reg grundies : n/a (底褲?)
  48. Spit the dummy : to indulge in a sudden display of anger or frustration (發爛渣)
  49. Off the rocker : crazy (發狂)
  50. Come a guster : n/a


讀者對上述的50個字解釋有任何意見,歡迎指正!  Ta ! <<– Thanks !


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