SJ 曾經轉載過一篇港姐《港式保險精英》,不少讀者表示不能同意更多。也有代表保險界的讀者迅速PM SJ反擊港姐。
港姐道出了普通人對「保險佬」的一些看法,因為行業內充斥著大量這種人:厚臉皮,hard sell,口水佬是他們的標籤。批評的同時,也對於一些辛勤工作,一心為每個家庭帶來更好規劃的保險從業員是不公平的。
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普通市民 25.8.2017
第一,買保險有分 term及 life (with saving plan)
第二,就算真係要買 saving plan, 建議也應先買沒有儲蓄成份的term,看看這個 agent 的辦事方式如何,是否與自己能合得來,
買保險,選 agent是緊要過選公司,因為您真係要用這個保險時,
分別是當您突然有事,想找醫生寫紙入院,要佢refer 轉介處事較靈活/ 較容易寫紙入院的醫生,佢幾時覆到您? 我試過有agent星期五上午聯絡他,一直沒有回覆,
這種 agent,是要換掉的
Willy 21.8.2017 (現/曾經)保險從業員
I have been working in the insurance broker industry for 6 years in Hong Kong, and I have seen hundreds and hundreds new consultants coming in and out in this industry. I have to say, the turnover in this industry is EXTREMELY high…! It is because in Hong Kong working as a financial consultant we are purely commission based. Pure commission have no limits to what we earn which leads to the insurance companies or recruiters use this scheme as a recruitment gimmick to attract more people joining them. It really depends on the recruiters and their team culture on how to train new consultants. Not every industry is perfect. It’s just the matter of how there are more money-oriented consultants than other consultants that really serve customers.
However, it is not fair to judge every single consultant / agent that they are realistic, selfish and careless about their clients. Not all of us are “hard sell” and aggressive, I also see quite a lot of consultants who do not show off that often, keep their achievements low profile while winning lots of client’s reputation. It’s just because those extraordinary consultants are low profile, not too many people can find those consultants easily.
Overall the financial planning industry is pretty unbalanced, indeed there are far more negative comments than positive comments about us. I cannot even justify because of the insurance company’s culture or team culture which leads to their realistic and capitalism culture. But my advise to the public who wants to look for a responsible and caring agent/consultant: choose someone who is in financial planning industry for more than 3 years, who has establish good reputations and achievements. You will probably find these evidence in your friends circle/facebook/word of mouth. Choose consultants carefully as most financial planning involves at least 15-20 years plan. Think wisely about their personality, responsiveness and how passionate they are towards their career. Remember, there are still good consultants out there.
Anonymous 16.5.2017
招募廣告跟本係騙局,甚至post 另一份工作及公司名,去到先知到又係保險公司
工作叫人賣D product 但係客係可以自己直接買到without agent, 跟本agent 就係件要出賣曬自己網路既工具
普通市民:Jason 16.5.2017
“如果買D 19儲蓄保險,我唔係買2800好過乜 ?”
而家仲可以上埋SJ House ==> SJ House,一個網睇晒各區的住宅Rating,快D上來Rate下自己住緊個屋苑啦!
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