【SJ Discuss!】苦惱!四大 Assurance offer,點揀好?

“我17 年Grad。收到PWC risk assurance 同 EY assurance offer,唔知揀邊個好?

risk assurance 好似難入D,每年4間加曬都係好似收1XX 個,但Ey assurance就真係可以對多D finance 野,但4間加曬有接近成千個。唔知點揀好…”




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WK 回覆 2016.11.23

I have worked in both PwC and EY. I like to work in PwC more because:

1) better support when you encounter difficulties
2) boss and colleagues are generally more supportive, rather than always giving you hard messages
3) better OT budget
4) the brand is more recognized
5) work program (day to day testing work plan) are less tedious
6) much bigger clients for your exposure, including many of the blue chip companies (this also depends on which team you are in)By the way, PwC Risk Assurance and EY Assurance are very different in the job nature.EY Assurance focuses on Financial Audit, IPO, which is the traditional CPA / Audit business. It is also a good experience if you would like to work in the Account & Finance field. Many of my old colleagues went to list companies to work as Financial Controller, or Finance Manager, after they are tired of working in external audit anymore for 5-6 years. Some companies who want to be listed soon will also hire big4 financial auditor as they are familiar with the listing rules.

PwC Risk Assurance service lines include IT Audit, Cyber Security, Internal Audit, Regulator Compliance Risk and Controls, Audit Data Analytics, Sustainability, also some Project Management, etc… depends on which team in PwC Risk Assurance you are interest in. (you can voice out on your preference, if you want more experience in the other topics) Future career opportunities depends on what you are specialized in. If you can demonstrate your strength, you could be hired by banking, insurance, or other blue chips company for that specialization.

Anonymous 回覆 2016.11.21

一定pwc it audit

人工高d it audit4間之中最大
Ey audit 好wok

 Anonymous 回覆 2016.11.21

RA之所以收得少人係因為需求根本冇咁大,食得起RA既job根本冇咁多,而且一隻audit engagement入面involve到RA既程度有限,如果你想最大程度地裝備自己然後離場, assurance會是更好的選擇。
而且聽你咁講似係入EY FS team,咁就更加冇咩好猶豫。
其實你入左firm之後,你唔會再拎「呢個dept難唔難入」呢種念頭黎打飛機。 所以難入呢樣野根本唔係一個consideration factor.

Anonymous 回覆 2016.11.21

諗清楚risk 同 assurance 點解先喇

MNC FM, ex-big4er 回覆 2016.11.21

pwc! CV looks better when you plan to move out from CPA firms.

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