[SJ Discuss!] 由Local Bank轉去Global bank,是否無可能?


Recently I have moved from client onboarding of a foreign bank to compliance of a local bank. Both are under private banking division. To equip myself, I am planning to have a master in legal field.
My task is mainly AML compliance. If my next step is to join advisory compliance, what essentials should I obtain? Is it hard to move into foreign bank / global bank again? And just wonder what range of monthly salary would a small-potato without accounting / audit / legal background entitle?

wall st


前GS 人代SJ回答:

It’s bloody hard to go from local to foreign and salaries are very different. Eg vp sales guy at Deutsche gets 150k a month and the same guy at wing lung is on 35k.


Revenue differences. The local banks just do spot and forward fx and so a decent sales guys probably makes HKD 4mm whereas the guy at Deutsche makes the same in USD as better product suite.


AML與上述FICC Sales and Trading不同,後者為front office,對個人要求包括背景要求相對較高。


(反正大部份獵頭與ibank HR還是對見到新的 candidate樂此不疲的)

進入global banks非常重要的要求:


當然,如果你呢4樣野都做到,其實去唔去global banks都無咩分別

留在local bank反而可能升得更快



Anonymous 29.5.2018

“The most possible option is to get internal transfer…coz ur company will have the deepest understanding of knowledge n skill set u own. (I met a SM which from retail banking(she worked in branch) moved to AML operation aspect then got transferred to compliance advisory dept) it is possible

If u spent serval years in ur job and hasn’t got transferred
U may think about ur ability (no offence ) is your ability sufficient to compete a higher level of position ? Any transferable skills to bring sth new to ur targeted dept (in the other way,contribution)
Recalling the memories, any crisis u met among these years have been well managed?

Are u a very adaptive person?

Dun think to get both at once ——> global bank n decent job function of next career step. Building a career path is like building a condominium.

Before the condo built there are many processes ahead. It is not depending ur skills of interview nor ur solid knowledge of work
It is about ur personal development.

Other than a new step of any career advancement, u may find a new way to learn more how to be a better one.

Learning a lot is not a reason to let u get hired,but learning sth better is.



Anonymous 29.5.2018

“(Background: a newbie of AML compliance, 1 yr kyc exp. No financial/legal/accounting educational background.
Ans: Are you sure you’d stay in this industry for a while? Think twice because a master in legal field (e.g. LLM) can be costly… The job duty of each bank may vary, but for AML compliance, most likely we stick to regulation like AMLO, sanctions programs of OFAC or other equivalent organizations and the bank’s own AML and related P&G. But what values the most must be experience such as the sense of identifying red flags, handling of different types of clients e.g. individual, corporate, FI, correspondent bank, etc… As mentioned, you previously worked in PB division, handling of high-net-worth individuals is already different from retail customers. ACAMS or other related certificates is recommended if you really want to acquire some qualifications. I’d see LLM as a qualification to polish your CV and create more possibilities for your career and professional development. Don’t expect too much on what a LLM/master can give you.

(Background: a newbie of AML compliance, 1 yr kyc exp. No financial/legal/accounting educational background.
Ans: Are you sure you’d stay in this industry for a while? Think twice because a master in legal field (e.g. LLM) can be costly… The job duty of each bank may vary, but for AML compliance, most likely we stick to regulation like AMLO, sanctions programs of OFAC or other equivalent organizations and the bank’s own AML and related P&G. But what values the most must be experience such as the sense of identifying red flags, handling of different types of clients e.g. individual, corporate, FI, correspondent bank, etc… As mentioned, you previously worked in PB division, handling of high-net-worth individuals is already different from retail customers. ACAMS or other related certificates is recommended if you really want to acquire some qualifications. I’d see LLM as a qualification to polish your CV and create more possibilities for your career and professional development. Don’t expect too much on what a LLM/master can give you.

Background: a newbie of AML compliance, 1 yr kyc exp. No financial/legal/accounting educational background.
Ans: Are you sure you’d stay in this industry for a while? Think twice because a master in legal field (e.g. LLM) can be costly… The job duty of each bank may vary, but for AML compliance, most likely we stick to regulation like AMLO, sanctions programs of OFAC or other equivalent organizations and the bank’s own AML and related P&G. But what values the most must be experience such as the sense of identifying red flags, handling of different types of clients e.g. individual, corporate, FI, correspondent bank, etc… As mentioned, you previously worked in PB division, handling of high-net-worth individuals is already different from retail customers. ACAMS or other related certificates is recommended if you really want to acquire some qualifications. I’d see LLM as a qualification to polish your CV and create more possibilities for your career and professional development. Don’t expect too much on what a LLM/master can give you”



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