19條投行面試最難答的問題 你點答?

好多人都想入ibanks,唔通個個都入到咩?這個當然不是問題,而是一個現象。現在香港生活困難,如果你自認智商過人,又presentable,入頂級投行似乎成為直達 “成功” 的天梯,名利雙收。是的,入投行不是一件輕易的事,首先就是要通過層層面試。

任何規模的投行,不論職位高低,面試中都會問及一些始料未及的問題,也是因為這樣,ibanks求職者準備面試時,必須保持think outside the box,答案不能一成不變。你想在那百個求職中突圍而出,你的急材將在某時派上用場。


職場專欄作家 Derek Loosvelt 在vault上分享的一篇文章,文章中他分享了19個認為最難的華爾街面試問題:

在過去三個月中,我們調查了數千名投資銀行家和交易員,要求他們告訴我們他們的公司工作是怎樣的,以及評估他們的公司在工作上的各種福利,包括薪酬,工時,企業文化,工作和生活的平衡和培訓。今年,我們的銀行業調查(我們用來編寫年度 Vault Banking 50 )的一部分專門用於採訪 – 我們要求 bankers 和 traders 對他們公司的招聘過程進行評估,並向我們提供他們的公司 recruiters 會在面試中問到的實際面試問題。




接下來是我們從數千名從事銀行業專業人士那裡蒐集過來的面試問題,華爾街當前在面試時被問到的 19 個最難面試問題(所有問題均來自在四家銀行: Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan , Morgan Stanley, or Credit Suisse內部在職工作人員。


1. What’s 16 x 17?

什麼是 16 x 17 ?


2. If you overstated depreciation by $100million on your income statement, what would you need to do to correct the error, and what is the impact on the three financial statements?

如果你在損益表上誇大了 1 億美元的貶值,你需要做什麼來彌補錯誤?對三個財務報表有什麼影響?


3. How would explain what present value is to your mom?

如果需要的話,你會如何向令尊解釋 “現值”這個以概念?


4. In plain English, tell me how to price a bond?



5. In less than three minutes, give me an overview of what caused the 2008 financial crisis and the steps that have been taken to help get us out of the recession.

在三分鐘時間內,給我一個造成 2008 年金融危機的原因以及為幫助我們走出衰退而採取的步驟。


6. Pitch me a merger of any two companies.



7. Would you rather I give you a dollar a day for the rest of your life or $1,000 right now? Why?



8. What is your level of knowledge of financial products (on a scale of 1 to 10)?

你對金融產品的認知程度( 1 至 10 分)


9. What can you tell me about the current market? What is you interest rate outlook?



10. What does it mean to have business ethics?



11. How do you define an inclusive environment? What have you personally done to ensure your team/school was inclusive?



12. What does risk management mean?



13. If you had three million dollars to invest right now, what would you do?

如果你現在有 300 萬美元可以去投資,你會怎麼做?


14. Tell me about a time where you were challenged to do something you felt was wrong and/or disconnected from your values?



15. Describe to me your views on current Fed policy?



16. Walk me through the last difficult decision you had to make with incomplete information. How did the problem arise? How did you go about understanding the situation? What alternative did you consider? What solutions did you try? What was the outcome?



17. What was the last thing you researched or learned about because you wanted to understand it, not because you were told to for a class?



18. How many golf balls can you fit in a 747?

一架波音 747 裡可以裝進多少個高爾夫球?


19. What was your most embarrassing moment?



Also on SJ: 【SJ攻略】投行人點做「估值」?


SJ 結語



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