
5月11日,美國著名主持人奧花雲費(Oprah Winfrey) 為 University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism (美國南加州大學安妮伯格新聞及傳理學院)發表畢業演講。


奧花雲費認為,眼前這個世界似乎很暴戾,有一系列的問題都有待解決,槍枝暴力、氣候變化、種族歧視、媒體報導偏頗、財富不平均。幾乎所有人都對目前情況不滿,和平理性也似乎無法解決這些問題,大家變得越焦慮,變得憤怒。 (This moment in time, this is your time to rise, even though you can’t go anywhere — you can’t stand in line at Starbucks, you can’t go to a party, you can’t go anywhere without everyone talking about how bad things are, how terrible it is. And this is what I know: The problem is everybody is meeting hysteria with more hysteria, and then we just are all becoming hysterical, and it’s getting worse.)


奧花雲費鼓勵畢業生,不要用憤怒去回應不滿,憤怒才是你的敵人:「當你變得憤世嫉俗時,它會蒙蔽你的視野,破壞你的正直,拉低你的標準,扼殺你的同理心,遲早有一天,它會粉粹你的信念。」(Here and now, I believe, you have to declare war on one of our most dangerous enemies, and that is cynicism,” she said. “Because when that little creature sinks its hooks into you, it’ll cloud your clarity, it’ll compromise your integrity, it’ll lower your standards, it’ll choke your empathy, and sooner or later, cynicism shatters your faith.) 假如有天你覺得一個人說什麼都沒關係,因為不管自己做什麼,也不會有人在乎。她認為這種想法很正常,因為當今世界很容易讓人幻想破滅,變得冷漠,變得焦慮。越是這種時刻,越要懷抱希望,利用自己的智慧和勇氣表明立場。



她更表明自己這次的演講無法給畢業生帶來新的靈感或經驗,因為經驗與其說是新的,不如說是一次又一次地學習舊經驗。她對畢業生的一連串簡單建議包括:食一份好早餐,準時交費用,環保,整理好床,訂下目標,感謝別人,食飯時放下手機 (eat a good breakfast, pay your bills, recycle, make your bed, aim high, say thank you, and put your phone away at the dinner table.)




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