DragonAir 港龍航空 Cadet Pilot 收入

  • 10/10
    收入 - 10/10
  • 7/10
    工時合理 - 7/10
  • 9/10
    晉升前景 - 9/10
  • 8/10
    快樂指數 - 8/10


“Cadet Pilot (Under Training):  $3,000 (Training Allowance, accommodation+food provided)
Second Officer – $40,000
Junior First Officer (Year 1) – $56,000
Junior First Officer (Year 2) – $70,000
First Officer – $100,000-$115,000
Captain – $155,000-$200,000  – Anonymous  4.5.2015 (Verified)



“正常日子:You can have duty anytime of the day, the airline runs 24/7. Normal duty hour per day is roughly 9 hours, depending on the length of the flight

繁忙日子:You can fly up to 3 sectors a day, and you are busy most likely because of lengthy delays, resulting a maximum duty hour of 13.5 hours a day (this is the legal maximum stipulated by the Laws of Hong Kong) “– Anonymous  4.5.2015 (Verified)



“All the promotions listed under the salary section are basically guaranteed, as long as you do not get fired mid-way through. You will work 1 year as a second officer, then promoted to a junior first officer where you will spend 2 years of your time until you get promoted to a first officer.

Promoting to Captain bases on your own fortune, it takes roughly 8 years from a second officer to reach this rank, but the assessments involved is extremely tough.

Pilots here don’t generally think about moving to other airlines unless the salary package is significantly higher, since the leave system is Dragonair is fairly good, with around 10 weeks of leave per year. Airlines in China are rumoured to be offering twice the salary of what we offer, but it has not been confirmed yet. “– Anonymous  4.5.2015 (Verified)



“As a pilot you fly and manage the aircraft, you manage the cabin crew and passengers. You will have an annual line check every 12 months, proficiency check every 6 months, medical check every 12 months. ” – Anonymous  4.5.2015 (Verified)



“The only person you really work with most of the time is the Captain, they are generally fairly nice, you will encounter one or two “not-so-nice” captains every now and then just like any other jobs in the world. Cabin crew are all very nice and the working environment is generally fine. ” – Anonymous  4.5.2015 (Verified)



“Interview process:

Initial Test – English grammar/listening and Maths will be tested

Aptitude Test – Basically a computer game session where you work with a joy stick and foot pedal
testing eye-hand coordination, memory tests and multi-tasking

Initial Interview – 30-minute interview with typically 2 HR personnel (personal questions only)

ICAO english test – Oral and Listening tests, legally required by the ICAO organisation for all pilots

Second Interview – Group exercise (roughly 3 hours consisting approximately two exercises), Technical Interview (45-minute interview with one HR personnel and one Captain, 50 % of which are technical questions that are aviation related), Management Lunch (lunch session with senior management of the company)

Medical Check

Flight Grading – A fully sponsored flight test session in Adelaide Australia that lasts roughly 2 weeks, you will be asked to learn and perform basic flight manoeuvres to test your potential as a pilot.

2nd Round or more interviews, Written Tests, Aptitude Tests”  – Anonymous  4.5.2015 (Verified)

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