Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 Officer (Elderly Services) Salary 收入

  • 8/10
    收入 - 8/10
  • 2/10
    工時合理 - 2/10
  • 2/10
    晉升前景 - 2/10
  • 2/10
    快樂指數 - 2/10

收入 Income

Officer (Elderly Services)(年資 Years of experience:4-6: 月收入 Monthly Income  HK$21,500 + at least one month bonus with good appraisal   – Anonymous – 11.1.2018


公司所在地區 Location of Company:

“香港 / Hong Kong” – Anonymous – 11.1.2018


工時合理 Hours :

“正常日子 Normal Day:8:30am – 6:30pm

繁忙日子 Busy :8:30am-11:00pm ” – Anonymous – 11.1.2018



晉升前景 Career Prospect

– Manager in the estates MUST be social workers. Those without social worker license only get salary points upgraded and worked as Officer forever. Very routine and repeated job nature if you work in estates, but if you have plan to study in Social Worker, could be a good choice for you (since sometimes is hea and leave at 5:30pm). You may learn some project & event management skills and your EQ skills in treating some unfriedly bosses.
– TBH, good package is offered. Good salary for non-professional degree (e.g. social sciences or public health) with 15 AL and medical insurance. A good stepping stone for you if you plan to study social work.”- Anonymous – 11.1.2018



工作範圍 Scope of Work

– may work in 20 different eldelry session of rental housing estates under HKHS to serve elderly tenants OR work in the central office to serve one senior manager and one manager, also involve some coordination works & office admin work

– for officer working in estates: need to organize different activities for elderly tenants, manage elderly lounge (if have one in the estate), home visit, volunteer training, or even need to check with elderly tenants regularly to make sure they are not dead at home. Usually for position like this, they prefer to recruit social worker. For candidates who are less experienced, they may offer you a position as “senior customer service representative”, (:o), yes, very “un-grand” name. Uniform required. Work on Sat as well. occasionally work as security to check elderly tenants are still alive or not. Also, be prepared to do a lot of labor work when having workshops/talks/groups. Each estate has one manager+ one officer/CS.

for central office:
– Cater the needs of one senior manager & manager, mainly work as a secretary to manage the agenda of senior manager, need to deal with a lot of ridiculous orders & endless repeated paper work/ meeting preparation work. Most importantly, bosses throw temper easily and you can be treated rudely by them.
 Anonymous – 11.1.2018



快樂指數 Are you happy?

– Central office’s atmosphere is demotivating & disastrous. Bossess throw temper easily and never give proper training and orientation to new guys. High turnover rate. Bossess expect you to sacrifice happily and work till midnight without asking for any OT compensation. Be quick and ready to give answers within short time, like a servant to your bosses. Sometimes treated unpolitely from your boss.
– for officer work in estates, it depends on your manager and colleagues, usually less stressful.
“- Anonymous – 11.1.2018



入職攻略 Application Tips

Written test: Proposal planning in Chinese + One essay in English ( just 9 blow is okay)
Interview: Cantonese & English, introduce yourself, previous job experience etc.
Computer test: Excel (Graphs, Simple Formula calculation)+ Power Point +English & Chinese Typing Test
Expect the interview could last one PM/AM session. May have second interview sometimes.

2nd Round or more interviews, Written Tests  – Anonymous – 11.1.2018



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