收入 Income:
“Relationship Manager 年資 Years of experience:1-3年/ 1-3 Years
月收入 Monthly Income: HK$20,000″ – Anonymous – 15.5.2021
公司所在地區 Location of Company:
“香港 / Hong Kong”
工時合理 Hours :
“正常日子 Normal Day:9:00am-6:00pm
繁忙日子 Busy Day: 9:00am-6:00pm”– Anonymous – 15.5.2021
年假有多少天?How many days of AL available?
“12 days” – Anonymous – 15.5.2021
晉升前景 Career Prospect:
“公司沒有晉升階級, 同事不論經驗都係咁高咁大, 因為總部並不在香港”– Anonymous – 15.5.2021
工作範圍 Scope of Work:
“1. Keep contact with client through call / email / social applications.
2. Selling the company service with additional service (e.g. certification / bank account service, license, etc.)
3. Complete the KYC / due diligence.
4. Process the incorporation.
5. Keeping of Statutory Records and renewal.
6. Company docs filing and other paperwork.”– Anonymous – 15.5.2021
快樂指數 Are you happy?:
“與同事上司相處融洽, 工作時有挑戰性, 我認為公司要開拓更多合作伙伴, 與轉介/更多服務提供者互有戰略性合作, 將服務提升, 將個餅再做大。”– Anonymous – 15.5.2021
入職攻略 Application Tips:
“Interview, 2nd Round or more interviews
勞工處”– Anonymous – 15.5.2021
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