2018年踏入6月,又係一年一度PCLL Offer放榜季節。 法律界經過近幾年風吹雨打,究竟有無影響到一眾Law友做律師的決心?而入讀PCLL的GPA界線又有否如樓價一樣登峰造極?
“Hi SJ! Some friends of mine and I from CUHK LLB have received conditional self-funding PCLL offers from the uni via email today. My cgpa is slightly higher than 3.4, probably not a strong indicator.
One interesting point is that some offers suggest the possibility of upgrading to an UGC-funding offer while others don’t. I wonder what it means 🤔” – Anonymous 20.6.2018
“Dear SJ, I have received a self-finance PCLL part-time offer from HKU last week, I thought I gonna fail again as this is my second attempt… I did part-time JD at CUHK and my CGPA is around 3.23 something.” – Anonymous 5.9.2018
“ Hey SJ! I received my offer a few days ago! Went to a decent UK Uni where I got a high 2.1. I am very excited to embark on this legal journey and look forward to meeting other HKU PCLL students. Good luck to everyone! “ – Anonymous 20.6.2018
3. CityU PCLL 大家快D提交資料啦!(Email / FB PM!)
“Hi, want to provide some info re to City U PCLL offer.
I received my offer in April. I graduated from a UK uni and I got a high 2:1 and my core avg is over 65. Hope this help.” – Anonymous 20.6.2018
重溫一下舊年的PCLL Offer戰報:
擁有第一學府香港大學的光環,PCLL課程向來公認難入難出。讀書考試有信心,1st Choice報HKU係不二之選。師資亦係城中法律界泰斗及主流學者。
注:入到港大PCLL的朋友,慶祝過後就差唔多要調整心情啦,據說HKU PCLL年中好多人肥,要非常努力先得。
“Graduated from MMU CPE+LLB, overall average ~68
I applied for both part time and full time HKU PCLL and i got my part time offer on 15.08.2017.” – Anonymous 17.8.2017
“15 Aug 2017收到FT PCLL Offer,暫時未知係Govt Funded或Self Finance,要待HKU於八月底決定。 本人有Local LLB (2:2),後來讀完兩年CPE (Distinction),Core Average 71.50, Overall Average 71.63。當年LLB時,Commercial Law, Procedure等科目考得唔係咁好,所以我覺得HKU比較睇重我6科Core既成績。” – Anonymous 15.8.2017
“Hi stealjobs, thanks for running the website! Just wish to inform anonymously that I got pcll offer today! I got 3rd hon in local u LLB, then did MMU CPE + LLB with an average mark of abt 68.5. I only applied for HKU Part Time PCLL and got the result by email this afternoon! Hope this helps!” – Anonymous 15.8.2017
“ I got my PCLL full time UGC offer today (15 Aug 2017). I have a local 2:2 LLB from CUHK and distinction GDL average 70.38. Hope this helps and good luck everyone!
I got distinction for my GDL so I think they looked at that instead of my LLB 2:2″ – Anonymous 15.8.2017
“Hi! Just a heads up. I am studying law at HKU and have just received a conditional offer on full time PCLL today!!! Haven’t heard of others getting offer but it seems ppl will get news from the Faculty soon!” – Anonymous 27.6.2017
“UK Red Brick 1st Hon, core 68.5, 3月中收HKU offer…我諗對SJ嘅讀者完全冇指標作用XD” – Anonymous 3.7.2017
“Hello SJ, my friends and I have received PCLL offers from HKU today!
P.S. Our cgpa ranges from 3.5 to 3.7” – Anonymous 3.7.2017
“Just received a government-funded offer by email from HKU today. Probably among the first batch as most of my friends haven’t received yet. I have a law GPA of around 3.42 and cGPA of 3.62.” – Anonymous 14.7.2017
Credit: CUHK
“Gov funded PCLL offers were made last friday and those who are marginal cases received an offer which funding will only be determined in mid-August” – Anonymous 25.7.2017
“I am a CUHK alumni, and overheard the cut off line for this year PCLL from a professor when I gave a visit to Shatin today. The cutoff is around 3.225.
Perhaps it is wise to jump the ship and contact the second option now when you still can.” – Anonymous 25.7.2017
“Hi SJ,
I would like to share with you that some of my classmates and I have secured full-time PCLL seats from CUHK on 15 – 16 June 2017. CUHK notified us through email.
In case one would like to reference to my application, my CGPA is around 3.3xx. Please see if you could share this information with the rest of the SJ audience? I hope those who are still waiting for a PCLL offer will hear good news soon. Waiting is always painful…” – Anonymous 27.6.2017
3. CityU PCLL
“Hi SJ, there is an anonymous comment under CityU PCLL saying “呢批Offer應該係first round嚟”, this is not the case and I would like to clarify here. I just completed my PCLL at CityU in 2016-17 and I have received my PCLL on April 1, 2016. So I believe CityU does give out early offers. (P.s. I got a 2:1 from a Russell Group UK law school) ” – Anonymous 12.7.2017
I am just writing regarding the PCLL admission this year. I have applied in the CityU, and got an admission offer in June. I got a 2:1 from a UK law school. Just want to give a quick status update and say good luck to everyone, and looking forward to meeting my fellow peers the coming term. Cheers!
P.S. to SJ: keep up the great work with such excellent content. ” – Anonymous 27.6.2017
“Hello想提供下cityu pcll 嘅收生情況 我係Local llb畢業,cgpa 3.34,啱啱今日收到offer 呢批Offer應該係first round嚟” – Anonymous 22.6.2017
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