[SJ Interview] Whirlpool (Hong Kong) Limited 恵而浦(香港)有限公司 Financial Analyst Interview 面試

  • 2/10
    專業指數 / Professional Level - 2/10
  • 1/10
    壓力指數 / Intensity Level - 1/10
  • 5/10
    面試過程 / Interview Process - 5/10
  • 1/10
    推薦指數 / Star Company Level - 1/10

參與面試的公司/職位/年資  Interviewed Company / job position / Yrs of Experience

“Whirlpool (Hong Kong) Limited 恵而浦(香港)有限公司 / Financial Analyst(年資 : 1-3年/ 1-3 Years)” – Anonymous 15.10.2019 [Email verified]

公司地區 / Company Location
香港 Hong Kong

學歷 / 學歷地區  Education / Graduate from
“大學 Bachelor

本地學校 / Local schools”

招聘信息出處 / Job Ads source

面試過程 Interview

“2 輪面試 2 round Interview(s):

2 rounds

1st: 見HR,30-45mins (BTW, 間公司得15AL, 响牛頭角同觀塘之間,[redacted])

2nd: Senior Finance Mgr([redacted])同Assistant Finance Mgr([redacted]),都係傾下計,問下你未來5-10年career plan,但已無心機見,hea見佢哋,個role係report to AFM([redacted]),覺得唔想跟佢做嘢,佢似係做managerial grade無耐,[redacted]”- Anonymous 15.10.2019 [Email verified]

Do you find the f2f interview process challenging?

筆試 Written Test

“見完之後有40mins written test
1st test: excel test 自己砌下pivot table自由發揮,睇下想點analyse啲數

2nd test: excel test,俾個file睇下你點interpret 啲數,主要想條友識睇stock mgt 同free cash flow,呢part可以9吹,不過佢每個月都做啲FCF,用inventory movement work返條數,[redacted]

如果ok會有3rd round見regional controller 定director,個business以global scope嚟睇基本上都drop緊,個FA role係regional, 好似睇四個countries, 响香港好似會做埋SSC, 感覺伏伏哋,consumer goods已經唔太好景,仲要consumer electronics goods, 你話三星就OK啫”

Do you find the written test challenging?


Were you given an offer for the job?


Did you accept the offer?


Which of the below ability(ies) do your company value the most


附加說明 / Others

“响牛頭角的工都無乜錢,consumer goods industry is not a good choice”

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