Sotheby’s 蘇富比 Gallery Assistant Intern收入

  • 1/10
    收入 - 1/10
  • 7/10
    工時合理 - 7/10
  • 3/10
    晉升前景 - 3/10
  • 5/10
    快樂指數 - 5/10


“Gallery Assistant Intern :HK0 – Anonymous 1.5.2016




繁忙日子:9:30am-8:00pm– Anonymous 1.5.2016



Good thing:
It widens your horizon (as cliché as it seems) to the rich people’s world. Good if you love fine arts or luxury.

Bad thing:
It is very hard to proceed to a permanent position in the company unless you have connection (so you better be a rich kid with rich parents), or you are really, really outstanding. Absolutely no salary for intern, not even allowance. May have money during exhibition though.  – Anonymous 1.5.2016



-Take care of the gallery’s daily operation
-Help with the exhibition
-Do tons of administrative work (with excel)
-Research on artists
” – Anonymous 1.5.2016



Boss are sometimes lunatic, esp when it comes close to the exhibition (aka peak season). They would ask you come back on a public holiday. Most employees are rich people with background, or kids from very prestigious families, so they seldom make friends with interns. It was stated in the contract that the internship lasts for 3 months, but in fact they will ask you to prolong the internship until there “may be a permanent position soon”. So in short, if you are rich or you don’t need money atm, feel free to join. Won’t hurt (much).” – Anonymous 1.5.2016



Why this industry?
What similar experience?

2nd Round or more interviews – Anonymous 1.5.2016

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