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10. 某國際學校老師


International Schools in Hong Kong Teacher 國際學校老師 收入

9. Audit類:  JLA Asia



Usually promoted every 1-2 years.

The liquidators are well-known in the industry. Many lawyers and bankers would seek their opinions in liquidation matters. It is easy for staff to move to other professional firms specialised in liquidation.

The forensic accounting team is also strong in matrimonial cases and fraud investigation cases. We work with SFC, HKMA, DOJ, both local and international law firms and FIs. It is easy for staff to move to other professional firms specialised in forensic accounting.

You get exposure to all service lines as a junior. Your specialisation only begins when you reach the Manager grade.“– Anonymous  18.8.2015

JLA Asia Limited Manager 收入

8. 醫護: Hospital Authority EOII

HA logo hori


“空閒日子:9:00am – 5:48pm

繁忙日子:9:00am-7:00pm ” – Anonymous – 25.9.2015


同事上司都很有work life balance意識
 ” – Anonymous – 25.9.2015

Hospital Authority EOII 收入

Screen Shot 2015-09-10 at 11.27.49 pm

Credit: Internet (Please contact us if you are the photographer)

7. MT類: 合和 MT



但似乎頗有heart去train呢d management trainees

“Yes. They hire a few so they really put a lot of resources into each trainee. You will be expected to have valuable inputs like leading brand new projects for company or conduct extensive studies for company’s future development.

The management and colleagues are willing to guide you to become the future seniors. “-  Anonymous – 1.7.2015

Well planned and tailor-made training plan with great support from management.
Career path depends on the quality of the MT but opportunities are always open for us. ” –  Anonymous – 2.7.2015

Hopewell Holdings 合和實業 Management Trainee 收入


6. 銀行: DBS MT




“Internally, it really depends on the headcount since its relatively small. Turnover is high in hot area (private bank and investment bank) so mighy get to jump ship if u end up in those areas. Having said that, management really take good cares of the MAs so promotion is more likely than not. A real MT program I would say.” – Anonymous 8.4.2015

通常可以去IBG1 2 (即係D large corporates) ; 表現好仲可以去ASIA CAP(即係DBS既IBANK DIVISION) 或者D PRODUCT TEAM (E.g. FICC SALES)

相比HSBC個MA program整係可以做中小企, DBS個MA PROGRAM 機會同可能性大好多” INSIDER 13.4.2015 

DBS 銀行MT 收入


5. IT: 9Gag


有理由相信,在9GAG工作,是一種self-actualisation。 當你做的網,每個月有7億瀏覽,成功娛樂到幾千萬人,這種滿足感,是一般寫字樓 ibanker 律師會計師永遠都感覺不到的。” – Anonymous 2.11.2014

Enough said.

9Gag.com 手機程式工程師 App Developer 收入


4. 法律界: Eversheds 律師事務所


“同事絕大部份都好好相處,最難得係partners好願意教trainees,可能因為intake少所以expect trainees level已經要學識take up好多唔同tasks,因而有更大exposure”  -Anonymous 9.4.2015

Eversheds LLP 律師事務所收入


3. 金融:Blackrock



“The culture is good and the firm is the biggest asset manager in the world. Many colleagues are happy about the job.
Good pay and good working hour.”–  Anonymous 12.4.2015 

Blackrock 貝萊德 Analyst 收入


2. 航空:港龍DragonAir



一年70日annual leave,而且返工順道環遊世界。



“All the promotions listed under the salary section are basically guaranteed, as long as you do not get fired mid-way through. You will work 1 year as a second officer, then promoted to a junior first officer where you will spend 2 years of your time until you get promoted to a first officer.

Promoting to Captain bases on your own fortune, it takes roughly 8 years from a second officer to reach this rank, but the assessments involved is extremely tough.

Pilots here don’t generally think about moving to other airlines unless the salary package is significantly higher, since the leave system is Dragonair is fairly good, with around 10 weeks of leave per year. Airlines in China are rumoured to be offering twice the salary of what we offer, but it has not been confirmed yet. “– Anonymous  4.5.2015 (Verified)

DragonAir 港龍航空 Cadet Pilot 收入


Credit: Internet (Please contact us if you are the photographer)


1. IT: Google




” Working in this truly innovative environment is rewarding. You are at times stressful as you are running projects that require 100% devotion and skills. But all in all Google is doing a great job in making every Googler feel like home. Google’s office in Hong Kong is pretty awesome too, nice free food, swinging chair and all. It’s a chilled working environment. ” –  Anonymous – 2.7.2015

Google Software Engineer收入




人工高 (起碼供到樓)

工時合理 (平時起碼有得返屋企食飯 / 返工可以行下街 做下運動)

有晉升前景 (你看到自己5年後仍做這間公司 / 行業嗎)

做得開心 (同事老闆friendly肯教唔黑人憎)


關注高質內容,讀神科又想入行頂級MNC / Banking / Law Firm? 即時填妥以下表格,SJ將不定時推送獨家行業活動 (絕不SPAM)

* indicates required


而家仲可以上埋SJ House ==> SJ House,一個網睇晒各區的住宅Rating,快D上來Rate下自己住緊個屋苑啦!

Employers who object to or otherwise wish to complain about the above content please contact us via email or press here. The above is mere opinion of the submitter(s) (not this website) only on the working environment of the said company, not from an official source, might be inaccurate, and in no way indicates the quality of any products or services or the level of competence or integrity of the above mentioned company and its staff. Unauthorised reposting of the contents herein is strictly prohibited.

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