Trainee Solicitor: TC是否賣身契? Transfer TC, 老闆玩野點算?


首先,thanks for your really useful website! It was so much more useful than my faculty’s career service.

想問問(hypothetical situation): trainee如果轉training contract難唔難?

eg.有間更suitable ge firm招收trainee,那麼tc途中轉去另一間firm,本身間firm 會否向law so寫袞你? 因為我聽講過TC是賣身契,未必唔易轉到tc?

另外,firm比較喜歡收fresh graduates or transfer trainees? provided that the new firm is a corporate practice firm and I was also trained in a corporate seat in my original firm 唔介意你係webpage開article回,因為我諗都好多人對呢個issue有興趣

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Trainee如果轉training contract難唔難?

答:假設你的問題不是搵工問題,而是能否順利轉TC。其實有難有易,一切視乎現任老闆放唔放你 (看以下有關 TC是否賣身契)。


有間更suitable ge firm招收trainee,那麼tc途中轉去另一間firm,本身間firm 會否向law so寫袞你?

答:Transfer TC要本身老闆簽 Consent form然後 submit 上Law Soc,如果簽的話無問題,如果不簽的話(玩野),他基本上也不會向Law Soc 寫任何野。詳情見以下TC是否賣身契。



答:首先睇Law (以下純學術討論,不構成也不應視為法律意見)

香港法律管見習律師Trainee Solicitors的有 Cap 159J Trainee Solicitors Rules

Rule 13(1) 講Trainee要轉Firm有4個可能:

一係老闆釘牌 (R.13(1)(a))

一係老闆釘蓋 (R. 13(1)(b))

一係老闆同你簽 “Mutual Consent” 放你走 (R. 13(1)(c))

一係Court 或者 Law Society Council 出個Order放你走 (R.13(1)(d))


老闆是否釘牌或釘蓋,正常情況下不在控制範圍,前者是老闆執業操守問題,後者是 Act of God 上帝的旨意。

所以最Common的走法係靠 R.13(1)(c) 即係你搵日見老闆做完單 IPO 或者贏左單International Arbitration, 剛剛Bill 左個客幾百萬,心情大好,你就同佢講其實你想轉firm,但你好感激他給你的機會,他是你再生父母,他是全港最靚仔,最優秀的律師之類的說話。然後他見你一直以來都努力做好所有野,見到你有更好機會,決定放你走,大家好來好去。




假如你老闆玩野,唔簽Consent Form放你走,你就可能要向Law Society書面申請,或者向High Court申請。前者比較Straight forward, 你寫封信比Law Soc 講你的處境,假如Law Soc 都覺得你老闆應該放你走,就無大問題,Law Soc可根據 S22 Legal Practitioners Ordinance Cap 159放你走,並將你之前做Trainee的時間都計算在內。


當然,Law Soc可能會出信問你本身的firm,呢個時候你的“好老闆” ,如果有心玩野,仲唔把握機會寫你衰過非禮阿婆打細路。 假如Law Soc做唔到決定,有可能要向High Court 入份Application,根據R. 13(1) (d) Trainee Solicitors Rules 要求法庭比個Order出來。


FU SZE YING MABEL v THE LAW SOCIETY OF HONG KONG 一案,係關於 Trainee 做完 2年TC, 但老闆玩野,明明簽左一份 Form 4話個 Applicant 係fit and proper person to be a solicitor,但都唔比個Trainee拿份form 4走,搞到佢無得 submit 份Form比Law Soc。所以個Trainee就請律師向 High Court 入份Application, 要求法庭豁免入 Form 4 的要求。


呢單案雖然唔關轉TC事,但可以睇到法庭關心的是 Reasonableness


唔駛講都知,法庭當然覺得呢位老闆的行為是不合理的。大佬,你估開律師行做老闆真係大晒咩? 你以為Trainee真係同你簽賣身契做你妹仔咩? Give me a break man.


當然,如果玩到咁大,一係你老闆有問題,一係作為Trainee你真係非常有問題。但根據觀察,似乎是前者有問題的機率高好多。或者好多老律師仲以為係以前咁,自己係律師就以為自己先識Law,以為自己可以 “玩死你”。  呢種想法非常可笑,而且非常可恥。


最後,請留意高等法院法官乘機評價Law Soc的曖昧態度,要求Law Soc做好d:


Finally, I should add as a postscript that the application was in the end effectively consented to by the Law Society. I say ‘in the end’ because until Mr Tang made his submissions, the position of the Law Society was somewhat ambiguous and non-committed, and therefore unsatisfactory. The duty on the Law Society in applications such as the present is to arrive at a firm view (whether to consent, oppose or be neutral) after a careful consideration of the application. I would emphasize that the assistance to be provided to the court should be a considered view from the standpoint of the body which governs and regulates the solicitors profession, and which represents the interests of solicitors, bearing in mind always the public interest.


呢單案其實都好多年前,希望Law Soc有所長進啦。


最後問題:firm比較喜歡收fresh graduates or transfer trainees?

答:站在老闆角度,大部份Firm 都係中意請Fresh Graduates,原因很明顯:Trainee身價一般係 NQ 的一半,你請個Fresh Trainee返來,一般Train 一個月就上手,然後就可以用2年。

如果你請個 2nd year transfer trainee,可能都係要  Train 一個月,因為之前間Firm可能Training麻麻地或者不太relevant,但個位都未坐暖又要Call 又可能走人,鬼咁多野煩。

當然,有極少數會專請2nd year trainee, 如果有通常都非常急,可能因為有大project入來需要立刻增加headcount。但呢類recruitment對2nd year trainee的要求會非常高,因為你要立刻做到野,headhunt叫呢種 ” They are looking for someone who can basically hit the ground running.”



希望以上幫到所有考慮轉Firm的Trainees。 最重要是知道自己的權益。

今時今日,已經無賣身契呢樣野。諷刺的是,在講究公義與人權的法律界,見習律師的Training Contracts卻竟然有幾分似現代的賣身契。

點都好,要相信Law Soc會捍衛業界利益(包括每年幾百個Trainees),以及法庭會為公義把關。

當然,如果搞咁多野,要花無數人力物力財力,係咪worth it, 自己衡量下,最好當然請個律師advise下你啦。


據聞StealJobs都有大量 Law Firm 老闆 /HR 睇 (早前有某 International Law Firm Partner send封電郵話要求SJ高抬貴手咁話),SJ在此都希望各位老闆律師大人都高抬貴手,放過d trainees啦。 一個大人,仲要係律師,要做到咁Low,非要玩死一個初出茅廬的Trainee仔不可,傳左出來,你自己都樣衰啦。

Come on James, 可不可以成熟一點?


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