Department of Justice 律政司 Legal Trainee 見習律政人員 Salary 收入

  • 9/10
    收入 - 9/10
  • 9/10
    工時合理 - 9/10
  • 8/10
    晉升前景 - 8/10
  • 8/10
    快樂指數 - 8/10

收入 Income:

“Legal Trainee 見習律政人員(年資 Years of experience:0年 / Fresh Grad):  月收入 Monthly Income 1st year: $53,795 (mps 27) / 2nd year: $55,705”– Anonymous – 20.10.2018  



公司所在地區 Location of Company:

“香港 / Hong Kong” – Anonymous – 20.10.2018 




工時合理 Hours :

“正常日子 Normal Day:9:00am – 6:30pm

繁忙日子 Busy :8:30am – 10:00pm” – Anonymous – 20.10.2018 






晉升前景 Career Prospect:

“100% retention rate in recent years. Most of us become government counsel in the division of our choice.

Prosecutions division has been the most popular choice, especially among bar trainees.

Solicitor trainees may qualify in legal policy division or law drafting division. Some of us are even retained by outside law firms during secondment.”– Anonymous – 20.10.2018 




工作範圍 Scope of Work:

“Divided into solicitor stream (2 years) and bar stream (1 year). Both streams include rotation to civil litigation and prosecutions.

Bar trainees will have 1-month marshall at High Court and 3-month pupillage experience with outside counsel.

Solicitor trainees will have an option to work at legal policy/law drafting division/intellectual property department for 3 months and civil advisory unit (general/land/commercial/construction) for another 3 months. There will be a compulsory outside secondment to a law firm of your choice (including international or local firms).”– Anonymous – 20.10.2018 






快樂指數 Are you happy?:

“Not much competition among trainees. Bosses are nice and reasonable. Good hours with handsome income.
Very happy experience of working with a large batch of trainees.

Due to double cohorts (20 trainees per year) in the past two years, retention may be competitive. Relatively difficult to transfer to private practice with comparable salary if not retained, as skill sets are not entirely transferrable.

A good choice for fresh grads who have genuine interest in criminal law or public law (or those who desire to civil service regardless of career interest). ” – Anonymous – 20.10.2018 




入職攻略 Application Tips:


One round interview. Some have difficult legal questions while others only have CV based background questions. A panel of three government counsel from civil, prosecution and law drafting. Be aware of current affairs.
Revise criminal law, adminstrative law and civil procedure” – Anonymous – 20.10.2018 


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