任職公司名稱 / 職業 / 年資 / 收入 Company Name / Job Title / Year(s) of experience / Salary
“Ryohin Keikaku MUJI 無印良品 / Global Management Trainee (年資 Your year(s) of experience: 1-3年 / 1-3 Years)
Monthly Income 月收入 YEN 220,000*12個月+800,000(BONUS)日元” – Anonymous 18.9.2019
公司所在地區 / Location of Company
Japan 日本
公司所屬行業類別 / industry
“Retail/零售” – Anonymous 18.9.2019
公司性質 / Type of Company
“國際企業 MNC” – Anonymous 18.9.2019
公司規模 / size of your Company
“1000人以上” – Anonymous 18.9.2019
實際工作時間 / Actual working hours
“1:00pm – 10:00pm” – Anonymous 18.9.2019
詳細説説你的工作內容 / Tell us about your work(s) in details
“管理part time staff,人少既鋪要做埋佢地果份” – Anonymous 18.9.2019
Does your job require business travel?
我的「工作日程」/ My daily routine:
上班 Morning (8:00AM – 10AM)
做早會,開收銀機,brief d 細既
11-12時 11AM-12PM
整定下一日既shift, 有時做總部ad-hoc野
中午 12PM- 2PM Afternoon
同staff傾計(70%工作既野),諗定下一轉 sales floor layout
下午 3PM – 5:30PM Late afternoon
出sales floor接客
5:30PM 之後 After 5:30PM
工作需要考取證書嗎?/ Qualification(s) that are required for your work(s)
享有多少天有薪年假?/ How many days of Annual Leave in a year?
“13 days” – Anonymous 18.9.2019
享有以下的「 員工福利 」嗎? / The applicable “Employee’s Benefit(s)”
牙科津貼 Dental Benefit
交通津貼 Transportation Benefit
公司「 會否舉辦活動慶祝節日 」 / Will the Company celebrate festival(s)?
“不會 No” – Anonymous 18.9.2019
公司屬於「傳統公司」 還是 「創新公司」/ Is the Co one of traditional or innovative?
“傳統公司 Traditional Co” – Anonymous 18.9.2019
公司有否擔任企業社會責任? / Does the Company take on corporate social responsibilities?
“有 Yes: 去下D鄉下搞下活動 ,開下鋪”– Anonymous 18.9.2019
經歷的面試種類 / Types of interview
“4 輪面試 Round(s) of Interview: 1st,2nd round Hong Kong (agent+HR), 3rd, 4th round Japan HQ (HR head+CEO);
筆試 Written Test: 問你點relate自己同muji;
性格測試 Personality Test;
能力傾向測試 Aptitude Test” – Anonymous 18.9.2019
Which of the below ability(ies) do your company value the most
認為求職過程有難度嗎? / Do you find the interview process challenging?
老闆有給過你任何承諾嗎? / Did your boss promise anything?
Yes: 做完兩年鋪升總部
這些承諾有否兌現?/ Are these promises live up to your expectation?
而家仲可以上埋SJ House ==> SJ House,一個網睇晒各區的住宅Rating,快D上來Rate下自己住緊個屋苑啦!
Employers who object to or otherwise wish to complain about the above content please contact us via email or press here. The above is mere opinion of the submitter(s) (not this website) only on the working environment of the said company, not from an official source, might be inaccurate, and in no way indicates the quality of any products or services or the level of competence or integrity of the above mentioned company and its staff. Unauthorised reposting of the contents herein is strictly prohibited.
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