【絕望】KCL唔夠LSE law勁 好擔心入唔到PCLL/大firm做

最近,SJ Team都收到不少 「求救」的來信,想做 AAA,但結果只有BBB,點算阿?

少年們,你們的煩惱或不安哥哥姐姐們都十分理解,但人生是一場馬拉松,這一刻的不如意不代表什麼,即使你已經達到某階段的目標,也不代表下一階段你能順風順水。未來的事,SJ Team 無法回答,每個人要走的路都不一樣,你承受過的挑戰敢問我們也未必經歷過。有一樣東西我們可以說:那就是「心態」,如果你決心想達到某個目的,即使現在未達到,但你就要準備用「堅持」和「耐性」去行這條路。




“我高中係美國讀書嘅考SAT AP個啲 成績如下:
AP world history, US history, caluclus AB+BC, chinese, english lang and comp, US gov’t and politics, statistics 全部grade 5
但係最後LSE law reject (用predicted grade考)左因爲personal statement “not as convincing as” other candidates. 只有KCL llb offer
依家send左AP 啱啱released 成績去cuhk and hku law 等response (仲係under consideration)
因為我真係好努力咁讀書的去考好多AP(我有同學考得幾科ap無5都入UC Berkeley NYU等) 我唔想浪費我一直嘅努力同時間

1) 等hk law unis回覆 再第二年reapply LSE
2) 入 KCL llb算
3) gap year??

我份人一set左個目標達唔到我會好糾結(唉我都唔想咁),我知KCL唔夠LSE law勁,所以我好擔心入唔到PCLL/大firm做”


最新回覆於 2018.8.15日收到,請繼續下拉閱讀


Anonymous 15.8.2018

“You are correct in that LSE is perceived to be more prestigious than KCL. But importantly, the difference between LSE and KCL in perceived prestige is, although existent, not large enough to justify a gap year (if in contrast you got rejected from LSE and you were holding only a Manchester offer then a gap yah would certainly be a more realistic option). Factors pointing against a gap yah: the opportunity cost of graduating one year late; the chance that if you re-apply if you might not get into LSE and might even not get into KCL offer; and more importantly, the fact that KCL is certainly ‘good enough’ (in other words, no one would be surprised if you got into Clifford Chance with a KCL LLB – I think that’s a generally decent test of whether your uni is ‘good enough’).

I’d also not advise that you go to CUHK – like it or not, even though the calibre of students at CU is probably higher than those at KCL, the inherent white-worship and white-bias of Hong Kong and its law graduate recruitment (and the rest of Hong Kong, really) means that KCL is perceived probably to be slightly more ‘prestigious’ than CU – not only academically, but because it’s less ‘local’, has a greater proximity to whiteness, and it’s in fancy-dandy London (I’m completely guessing here but for CUHK you’d probably need to be top 20th percentile in your cohort in terms of grades to have the same chance at getting into biglaw ceteris paribus as you would if you were top 50th percentile in your cohort at KCL generally – exceptions exist obviously). This is of course assuming that getting into biglaw is your primary goal (the significantly lower cost of attending CUHK – particularly since you presumably have housing in HK – is a relevant consideration otherwise).

With HKU, it’s more of a wash. Flip a coin.”

Anonymous 14.7.2018

“I graduated from KCL LLB and got gov-funded place in HKU PCLL. Many hk students from KCL got offers from magic circle/US firms. Provided that you have a reasonably good grade (mid 2:1 or better), KCL is certainly good enough in the eyes of most employers.

LSE is usually higher ranked than KCL in newspaper. However, the difference between the two is small and unlikely to affect your career path. KCL has a larger student community, better campus and,if law turns out to be not your thing, far more other courses to choose from.

If KCL is your best choice at the moment, take it. If you can’t get into LSE today, I can’t see why reapplying would make any difference. Focus on your study and get your soft skills horned in the next 3 years. KCL has a lot to offer!”

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